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Feed Manufacturing Cost

Feed Manufacturing Cost

Pellet feed production cost (INR)

Total Cost = Raw Material Cost+ Processing Cost+ Packing Cost+ Overhead Cost

Raw material cost
Raw MaterialPercentageMarket price(Approx)Effective price(INR )
MAIZE60-65 %14 Rs/ Kg9.1
SOYA25-30%70 Rs/ Kg21
DCP1-2 %35 Rs/ Kg0.7
MUSTARD1%57 Rs/ Kg0.57
MBM1-2 %28 Rs/ Kg0.56
MEDICINES(PREMIX ADDITIVES) +Oil2-4 % + 2-4 %200 Rs/ Kg5
TOTAL COST36.94 Rs/ Kg.
Raw material cost: Approx . 37 Rs / Kg.

Processing cost

Boiler fuel40 kg/ ton~ 200 Rs/ Ton
ElectricityFeed MillApprox. 25 units/ ton~ 200 Rs/ Ton
Electricity fixed charges + 8 units per ton for utilities like boiler , silos, office , submersible etc.~ 80 RS /Ton
Labour180-200 Rs/ Ton
Overhead charges+ depreciation + maintainance + consumable parts + Feed mill staff~ 150-200 Rs/ Ton
Bank interest @ approx. 3 crore loan @ 1 % monthly @ 4000 MT monthly feed calculation~ 80 Rs /Ton
Total processing costApprox.900-950Rs/Ton
Total processing cost: 0.95Rs/Kg

Packing Cost

Bag cost: 15-20 Rs. (PT High Quality Bag)

Packing Cost per Kg  : 0.5 Rs/ Kg

Total Cost Of Production =  Raw Material Cost + Processing Cost + Packing Cost  

Total Cost Of Production= Rs. 37 + Rs. 1 + Rs. 0.5 = Rs. 38.5

Selling Price= Rs . 50- 20-22 % Discount ( Dealer )  = Rs. 41

Profit = Selling Price - Cost Of Production = 41.0 – 38.5 = Rs. 2.5 / Kg( Inr ) ( Approximate )

The above calculation is for starter feed &is based on data collected from our existing customers and internet sources ( as per Indian Standards ) . The actual results may vary from the details mentioned above.

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