2-3 TPH Pellet Feed Plant
Plant design is compact,need less space,height,manfactured using minimum structure with good fcator to safety,easy to run and maintain,energy efficient.
Total Power Required -152 H.P. Total Power Required -152 H.P.
Total Floor Area Required - 33 x 23
Total Height - 27 Ft
Power Consumption - ~23 Units per ton of Feed
Similar Projects Running Successfully at :Munna Feeds - Haryana
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AUTOMATICPlant design is compact,need less space,height,manfactured using minimum structure with good fcator to safety,easy to run and maintain,energy efficient.
Total Power Required -166 H.P.
Total Floor Area Required - 55 x 30 ft
Total Height - 32 Ft
Power Consumption - ~23 Units per ton of Feed
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